TopicsDivorce, Positive Thinking
- Objective
To learn about and practice positive self-talk when parents are going through a divorce.
- Types of ToolsWorksheet
- GradesMiddle School, Upper Elementary School
- ASCA StandardsPS:A1: Acquire Self-Knowledge, PS:C1 Acquire Personal Safety Skills
- Number of pages2
TopicsDivorce, Positive Thinking
- Objective
To learn about and practice positive self-talk as a way to feel more in control and less confused when parents are going through a divorce.
- Types of ToolsWorksheet
- GradesMiddle School, Upper Elementary School
- ASCA StandardsPS:A1: Acquire Self-Knowledge, PS:A2 Acquire Interpersonal Skills, PS:B1 Self-Knowledge Application, PS:C1 Acquire Personal Safety Skills
- Number of pages2
TopicsDivorce, Positive Thinking
- Objective
To learn about and to practice positive self-talk as a way to cope with difficult feelings.
- Types of ToolsWorksheet
- GradesMiddle School, Upper Elementary School
- ASCA StandardsPS:A1: Acquire Self-Knowledge, PS:A2 Acquire Interpersonal Skills, PS:B1 Self-Knowledge Application, PS:C1 Acquire Personal Safety Skills
- Number of pages2
TopicsDivorce, Positive Thinking
- Objective
To learn about and practice positive self-talk when coping with different aspects of parents divorcing.
- Types of ToolsWorksheet
- GradesMiddle School, Upper Elementary School
- ASCA StandardsPS:A1: Acquire Self-Knowledge, PS:A2 Acquire Interpersonal Skills, PS:B1 Self-Knowledge Application, PS:C1 Acquire Personal Safety Skills
- Number of pages2
TopicsCritical Thinking, Depression, Divorce, Emotional Problems, Feelings, Goals, Loss & Grieving, Motivation, Positive Thinking, Stress
- Objective
To learn about and practice positive self-talk as a way to cope with problems.
- Types of ToolsWorksheet
- GradesEarly Elementary School, Middle School, Upper Elementary School
- ASCA StandardsPS:A1: Acquire Self-Knowledge, PS:B1 Self-Knowledge Application, PS:C1 Acquire Personal Safety Skills
- Number of pages2
TopicsDivorce, Positive Thinking
- Objective
To learn about and practice positive self-talk when coping with changes in your family, including your parents starting to date.
- Types of ToolsWorksheet
- GradesMiddle School, Upper Elementary School
- ASCA StandardsPS:A1: Acquire Self-Knowledge, PS:A2 Acquire Interpersonal Skills, PS:B1 Self-Knowledge Application, PS:C1 Acquire Personal Safety Skills
- Number of pages2
TopicsAnger Management, Anxiety Disorders, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Critical Thinking, Divorce, Feelings, Positive Thinking
- Objective
To learn about and practice positive self-talk when you are upset with something that your parents are doing.
- Types of ToolsWorksheet
- GradesMiddle School, Upper Elementary School
- ASCA StandardsPS:A1: Acquire Self-Knowledge, PS:A2 Acquire Interpersonal Skills, PS:B1 Self-Knowledge Application, PS:C1 Acquire Personal Safety Skills
- Number of pages2
TopicsAnger Management, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Critical Thinking, Divorce, Feelings, Positive Thinking, Social Skills
- Objective
To learn about and practice positive self-talk when parents put you in the middle of a disagreement.
- Types of ToolsWorksheet
- GradesMiddle School, Upper Elementary School
- ASCA StandardsPS:A1: Acquire Self-Knowledge, PS:A2 Acquire Interpersonal Skills, PS:B1 Self-Knowledge Application, PS:C1 Acquire Personal Safety Skills
- Number of pages2
TopicsAnger Management, Anxiety Disorders, Behavior Management, Communication, Depression, Divorce, Emotional Problems, Recovery, Relationships, Self-Control, Stress
- Objective
To increase knowledge about a technique for therapeutic structuring of fantasies, which can help a child work creatively with a problem and promote cognitive control over behavior.
- Types of ToolsTechnique
- GradesEarly Elementary School, High School, Middle School, Upper Elementary School
- ASCA StandardsPS:A1: Acquire Self-Knowledge, PS:A2 Acquire Interpersonal Skills, PS:B1 Self-Knowledge Application, PS:C1 Acquire Personal Safety Skills
- Number of pages2
TopicsAdoption, Anger Management, Anxiety Disorders, Behavior Management, Bullying and Cyberbullying, Depression, Divorce, Emotional Problems, Stress
- Objective
To increase knowledge about a technique to be used with children aged two and older to address anxiety, abuse, and trauma, in which dolls are used as a non-threatening way to help children deal with intense emotional situations.
- Types of ToolsAssessment, Technique
- GradesEarly Elementary School, Preschool
- ASCA StandardsPS:A1: Acquire Self-Knowledge, PS:A2 Acquire Interpersonal Skills, PS:B1 Self-Knowledge Application, PS:C1 Acquire Personal Safety Skills
- Number of pages2