TopicsAdoption, Anxiety Disorders, Behavior Management, Depression, Divorce, Emotional Problems, Self-Esteem
- Objective
To encourage children who have suffered trauma, prolonged illness, severe deprivation, or abuse to return to a form of play that is developmentally below his or her age level in order to recapture some of the experiences and deficits missed earlier in life.
- Types of ToolsTechnique
- GradesEarly Elementary School, Preschool
- ASCA StandardsPS:A1: Acquire Self-Knowledge, PS:C1 Acquire Personal Safety Skills
- Number of pages2
TopicsAdoption, Anxiety Disorders, Behavior Management, Depression, Divorce, Emotional Problems, Health Issues, Loss & Grieving, Recovery, Stress
- Objective
To increase knowledge about an art therapy concept that encourages children who have been abused or traumatized to keep a chronological portfolio of their artwork, so they can go back and make changes, giving children a sense of control over past hurts or problematic behaviors.
- Types of ToolsTechnique
- GradesUpper Elementary School
- ASCA StandardsPS:A1: Acquire Self-Knowledge, PS:C1 Acquire Personal Safety Skills
- Number of pages2
TopicsAdoption, Anger Management, Anxiety Disorders, Behavior Management, Communication, Depression, Divorce, Emotional Problems, Empathy, Loss & Grieving, Relationships, Stress
- Objective
To increase knowledge about a technique where attempts are made to build or restore bonding between a child under age 6 and a primary caretaker by re-creating a sense of trust and unconditional bonding, so the child can associate other adults with positive nurturing and respond appropriately.
- Types of ToolsTechnique
- GradesEarly Elementary School, Preschool
- ASCA StandardsPS:A1: Acquire Self-Knowledge, PS:A2 Acquire Interpersonal Skills, PS:B1 Self-Knowledge Application, PS:C1 Acquire Personal Safety Skills
- Number of pages2
TopicsAnxiety Disorders, Depression, Divorce, Emotional Problems, Loss & Grieving, Recovery, Stress
- Objective
To increase knowledge about a technique where the child is invited to participate in role-playing and skits in which he reenacts relevant and sometimes painful aspects of his own history, while providing distance from his distress.
- Types of ToolsTechnique
- GradesAdult, Early Elementary School, High School, Middle School, Upper Elementary School
- ASCA StandardsPS:A1: Acquire Self-Knowledge, PS:A2 Acquire Interpersonal Skills, PS:B1 Self-Knowledge Application, PS:C1 Acquire Personal Safety Skills
- Number of pages2
TopicsAdoption, Divorce, Self-Esteem
- Objective
- Types of ToolsActivity, Worksheet
- GradesEarly Elementary School, Middle School, Upper Elementary School
- ASCA StandardsPS:A1: Acquire Self-Knowledge, PS:A2 Acquire Interpersonal Skills
- Number of pages2
TopicsDivorce, Feelings, Goals, Loss & Grieving, Self-Esteem
- Objective
To use drawing as a way for children to express a wish.
- Types of ToolsWorksheet
- GradesEarly Elementary School
- ASCA StandardsPS:A1: Acquire Self-Knowledge
- Number of pages2
- Objective
To help children learn to better cope with divorce by writing about personal thoughts and feelings.
- Types of ToolsWorksheet
- GradesEarly Elementary School, Middle School, Upper Elementary School
- ASCA StandardsPS:A1: Acquire Self-Knowledge, PS:C1 Acquire Personal Safety Skills
- Number of pages2
TopicsCommunication, Conflict Resolution, Divorce, Parent Training
- Objective
To increase knowledge about a less adversarial alternative to custodial litigation, setting the stage for better cooperation between parents to protect children and provide a less chaotic home environment.
- Types of ToolsTechnique
- GradesAdult
- ASCA StandardsPS:A1: Acquire Self-Knowledge, PS:A2 Acquire Interpersonal Skills, PS:B1 Self-Knowledge Application, PS:C1 Acquire Personal Safety Skills
- Number of pages3
- Objective
- Types of ToolsWorksheet
- GradesEarly Elementary School, Upper Elementary School
- ASCA StandardsPS:C1 Acquire Personal Safety Skills
- Number of pages2
TopicsDivorce, Social Skills
- Objective
To help children think about talking with friends about how they feel.
- Types of ToolsActivity
- GradesEarly Elementary School, Upper Elementary School
- ASCA StandardsPS:A1: Acquire Self-Knowledge, PS:A2 Acquire Interpersonal Skills, PS:B1 Self-Knowledge Application, PS:C1 Acquire Personal Safety Skills
- Number of pages2